Application for Interpretation
# Details Received date Judgment Status Action
4 App 001/2013 - interpretation of App 003/2011 - Urban Mkandawire vs Republic of Malawi 16 Aug 2013 28 Mar 2014 Finalized
35 App 001/2017 - interpretation of App 005/2015 - Alex Thomas vs United Republic of Tanzania 30 Jan 2017 28 Sep 2017 Finalized
28 App 002/2017 - interpretation of App 007/2013 - Mohamed Abubakari vs United Republic of Tanzania 30 Jan 2017 28 Sep 2017 Finalized
29 App 003/2017 - interpretation of App 001/2014 - APDH vs Republic of Cote d’Ivoire 04 May 2017 28 Sep 2017 Finalized
263 App 001/2022 - interpretation of App 004/2020 - Houngue Eric Noudehouenou vs Republic of Benin 03 Oct 2022 05 Sep 2023 Finalized
297 App 001/2023 - interpretation of App 032/2020 - Houngue Eric Noudehouenou vs Republic of Benin 05 Apr 2023 27 Jul 2024 Pending
# Details Received date Judgment Status Action
# Details ENG / FRE / ARA / PORT
See the details of the Procedure which led to the judgment whose Interpretation is sought
1 Case Summary EN FR AR PT

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